From project management, planning, and logistics to digital platform selection, negotiation, and development, we have you covered.
The planning timelines for digital events are more unforgiving than in-person events. We know the difference, and weave this knowledge into the event timeline to ensure everyone stays on track.
As with in-person events, we will set up the Conference Secretariat and respond to all delegate inquiries, and program the registration system to ensure post-event reporting provides the metrics you are looking for.
A terrific in-person speaker does not always make a star presenter in a digital format. We work closely with speakers and moderators to ensure they are comfortable with the technology, have a professional virtual environment, are aware of the rigid deadlines associated with digital events and give them timely communications to ensure their presentation is professional and enhances your event program.
The benefits of virtual sponsorship assets are different from in-person events. We assess the sponsorship opportunities as part of our initial platform functionality review. We know how to communicate the value of virtual sponsorship to prospective sponsors. We’ll process sponsorship payment and ensure everything that was promised up front is delivered – before, during and post event.
The number of digital platforms available can be overwhelming: we’re familiar with a lot of them, so we save a lot of time up front. We will help clarify the functionality you need and confirm whether the platform must integrate with other technologies, then use a systematic approach to distill all the marketing claims and identify the features that are truly valuable to you.
We manage the abstract review process from start to finish: receiving abstract submissions, distributing papers to evaluators, and confirmation back to authors – it is seamless for all those involved.
Although capturing questions that are raised and keeping the session moving along are critically important, focussing on these elements is often overlooked. In our experience, virtual speaker orientation deserves a pop-out mention.
As with virtual sponsorships, virtual exhibit halls require a different approach to in-person trade shows – however, the old adage “you get out what you put in” is the same. We work closely with virtual exhibitors to help them maximize platform features and get the most out of exhibiting at your event.
Keeping virtual attendees engaged requires a different approach to event programming. We understand the logistics and detailed planning required to produce a high caliber virtual meeting.
From developing a preliminary budget, setting up an independent in-trust account, implementing and monitoring the final budget, paying supplier invoices on your behalf, reconciling and reporting – we’re on top of the finances from A to Z.